
Title: we're here to close circles
Technique: Videoperformance
Info: Leaves are packed in trash bags, hedges are cut into cubes, trees are stabilized with wood, flowers are cordoned off with fences, forests are planted in grids. What kind of approach to our environment have we become accustomed to? What fits into our idea of meaningful work? In performative interventions I intervene in public spaces and oscillate between unwanted intervention and care, between mystification and absurdity. The performances refer to a way of dealing with the environment, which is, was and will always be slightly wrong. Leaving uncommented traces, the video recording is stopped and the process of interactions can continue without being captured.

This work was shown at the group exhibitions Finale21 and Ausstellung, both in Bern (CH).
Year: 2021
Credits: Many thanks to: Roland Roos, Stefan Sulzer, Peter J. Schneemann, Karolina Głusiec, Mariusz Sołtysik, Artur Grabowski, everyone else involved